222 Dickson Street,
Pembroke Ontario K8A 2X3
Website or Facebook Page:
Official UOVGG website
Official UOVGG Facebook page
Contact Information:
Email: enquiries@uovgg.ca
Information On The Club:
With the popularity of AncestryDNA, 23andMe, DNA testing, a popular television program on historical family roots, creating family trees and family books, and an aging population with more time and fascination with family history, the current interest in genealogical research has never been higher. But search success is driven by available data – and that is why our organization exists.
The Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group (UOVGG) provides genealogical services to our members and genealogical information workshops open to the general population of the Upper Ottawa Valley.
Services include preservation of local genealogical information, specifically census recordings, local cemetery recordings, archives of obituary notices, local newspapers and regional historical
publications about Renfrew County and the Pontiac region in Quebec.
Building on its early beginnings, UOVGG was incorporated in 1996 and achieved its Charitable Status in 2001.
A key service provided by UOVGG is the maintenance of an extensive reference/lending library containing the above information for use of our members and the general public. Our library and office is
located in Pembroke, with regular hours available for public access. The organization maintains ongoing relationships with a large number of other genealogical organizations throughout the province
and provides support to individuals throughout Canada and the United States who have an interest in researching their historical roots in the Ottawa Valley. The organization also publishes a
quarterly newsletter to its members with the aim of encouraging ethical principles and effective scientific methods and techniques for conducting genealogical research. Our current membership roll
includes individuals from many other Canadian provinces and American States.
Beginning immediately the UOVGG Library will be open to the public Thursdays ONLY from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. This is a reduction of open hours due to a lack of available volunteers and will be effective until more open hours can be supported. The UOVGG Library may still be opened by appointment by contacting Helen Schruder at 613-638-6116 but there will be a $25 cash fee (or the purchase of a UOVGG membership) for openings outside of our regular hours. The UOVGG thanks you for your patience and understanding.