Welcome to the SBCNA website!

Easter is fast approaching and hope you're ready for the Easter Bunny!

The eGaming centre is currently open at the following times for Bingo's all in EST time:

Monday - 12pm 
Tuesday - 7pm 
Thursday - 7pm
Friday - 12pm 

Saturday - 12pm

While the Taptix room remains open outside of these hours as well as during.


Mother's day is almost upon us!
What better way to celebrate then to take your mom out to the eGaming center and support local charities while doing so! 

Wanda from the Pembroke Legion won for volunteers week! Congratulations Wanda!

Our community needs your help!
Please support your local charities by volunteering

Click on the respective charity in the list you wish to help and reach out to them directly! They need volunteers like you! 

REMINDER -  Online training for volunteers can be accessed over at  https://www.charitablegaming.com/volunteer-training

Continuing to support the bingo hall even in the Tap tik machines still helps your community out and goes to many charities who need your support now more then over. Bingo sessions are back but with limited prize boards, and limited amount of people to make it remain safe for those attending as possible. Please be kind and courteous to everyone there, everyone is trying there best. 


An amazing article written about Charitable Gaming Association you can read more about here: Read the article by clicking here!

Are you apart of the charity association and wish to have your charity awareness posts featured above?
Then go to the contact us page and email Charity Coordinator Andrew Trahan with your stories to be featured above! 


Contact Us Today!

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