500 Isabella St
Pembroke, ON
K8A 5T9
Website or Facebook Page:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stjeanbaptistepembroke/
Contact Information:
Number: (613) 735-6566
Email: stjeanbaptistepembroke@gmail.com
Information on the Club:
The Center scolaire catholique Jeanne-Lajoie, elementary pavilion, occupies a 30-acre lot along the Ottawa River, between Pembroke and Petawawa. It was created in March 2005 and serves young
Francophones and those entitled to Francophone education throughout Renfrew County.
The Center scolaire catholique Jeanne-Lajoie, elementary building, also houses a secondary school for students in grades 7 to 12 as well as a French-language daycare center including childcare before and after school hours.
Looking forward to welcoming you to our school!
A leader in education recognized for the excellence of its schools, its hospitality, its innovations and its involvement in the community.
"Equip the student for his academic success, his personal development, his citizenship and his commitment to Catholicism and the Francophonie."